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Medical & Pharmacy Canvassing

Locate. Validate. Evaluate.

Search Medical Facilities, Pharmacies and More

Our medical and pharmacy canvassing can track down the evidence you need on your subject; relevant treatment history and records within a targeted geographical area. Find information from cardiologists, primary care physicians, neurologists, telemedicine and more. See more possibilities

Your customized canvassing assignments are fulfilled by research specialists who are trained to always provide a proper, ethical, legal and HIPAA compliant service. You can depend on our specialists when you need to verify a subject’s medical history, claim background or pharmacy records.

Read More About When to Canvass

Canvassing to Improve Claim Outcomes


There is nothing more powerful in Claims than asking questions you already have the answers to. Our reports remove the guesswork on past medical treatment, ailments and conditions.

Often Plaintiff Attorneys instruct their Clients:

  • Do not admit fault, even if you think you are at fault
  • Do not give answers about what happened
  • Do not share any information about your injuries
  • Refuse a recorded statement

With this kind of preparation, it is difficult for Claims Professionals to assess if a Claim is truly compensable or if the liability falls on them.

Get answers that inform you every step of the way, saving time and money. Using evidence located in your searches, you can piece together questioning to uncover any misrepresentation of the facts.

High Impact Reporting

Canvassing and social media searches assist with the management of claims for all lines of insurance and our canvassing reports yield information critical to your specific objectives on any particular case. Leverage information found to:

  • Substantiate a claimant’s statements about prior injuries & treatment
  • Establish the mechanism of injury
  • Dispute extent of injury issues
  • Reduce or eliminate disability compensation
  • Identify apportionment opportunities
  • Reveal doctor shopping and/or drug seeking behavior
  • Provide leverage for depositions, mediations and litigation
  • Identify potential fraudulent claims

Typically the grid-search of locations is performed around the subject’s residence, however, it can be beneficial to search their work address, prior address, or other locations considering claim circumstances.

Best in Class Canvassing

Fast Turnaround Times

Assignments are completed with a 3 to 5 business day turnaround; reports available when you need them.

Customized Canvass Reporting

Search any kind of Medical or Specialty facility, Pharmacy, or Lifestyle center to meet the needs of your unique claim.

HIPAA Compliance

Our Research Specialists have an extensive understanding of PHI and HIPAA Statutes. You can rest assured that all research performed by your team will be HIPAA Compliant.

When to Canvass

Recommended in cases where claimant:

  • Has extensive claim history (ISO)
  • Refuses to provide signed medical release
  • Waited days or weeks before reporting injury
  • Has no witnesses to accident or injury
  • Has multiple prescriptions for the same drug
  • Was recently hired
  • Files claim after termination
  • Cannot remember details of previous treatment
  • Denies any prior medical treatment
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